
DaliMountainStreamWelcome to Kodesh Kallah, the Holiness of the Bride. We are seeking the reformation of the Church, the restoration of the Body of Messiah and the holiness of the Bride. To put that in more practical language, we are asking brothers in Christ to make a commitment to holy living which is the fruit of our faith. We’re also asking pastors and other leaders to make a commitment to leading their flocks in holiness.

We keep the guidelines of our community at the bottom of this page, should you wish to formally join, and for those unsure about actual membership, you can participate as a friend and walk with us in our common goal. Our sights should all be on the Lord. We encourage restoration of biblical marriage, holy modesty, roles of men and women, Christian education and other biblical and common sense traditions. We also feature learning resources on our main pages, some of which I’ve written and some of which come from a variety of other sources. A part of our goal is to spread the word, and not just from our own group, but also from other godly brethren.

Let’s face it, at this late hour, and with the Body of Messiah living much like the rest of the world, we ought to have a hard time complaining about the godlessness and immorality surrounding us. Our complaints soDaliMountStairsund immensely hypocritical when we are living nearly as they are. Christians seek after materialism, sensuality, the lusts of the flesh, take multiple partners for marriage, pump the same entertainment into their eyes and ears, worship the same unnatural feminism and soak up the same attitudes and philosophies around them. Not only that, but in churches and ministries of all kinds, they silence those servants who will actually preach from the Holy Bible. It is absolutely tragic. So before we seek to change the society around us and be a light to the world, let us pursue radical change in our own lives. Let us seek a lifestyle which is truly grounded in our faith, and immersed in the perfect holiness which our Savior provides. We should want to be pure for our Lord. After all, the Church is to be His Bride.

If you are not used to having many standards of Christian holiness in your lifestyle, I’d imagine the commitments we ask you to make sound very heavy if not beyond what you would consider possible. Nevertheless, I urge you to start somewhere, even with a few of them. They are spiritual treasures. As children of God we should hunger and thirst for them. I began with one or two commitments myself when I was new in the faith, and by the grace which God freely provides, have taken even more into my lifestyle. Why did I do it? Because I sincerely believe ALL of us should live in committed holiness. And truth be told, if I want everyone to live that way, I ought to live that way myself. So remember I am not asking you to take on something that I am not willing to do myself.

Vl Chngsha 085It is my passionate belief that if we humble ourselves before God, and allow Him to transform us, He will use us as His light, His lamp His Menorah to the world. That is God’s promise to us. We only need to let go of our committed worldliness. Let go of living how WE want to live. Then, we will be a living example of God’s love. Then we will have something to teach the world around us. Then we will be a Ground Zero for a new society.

Please come and join us.


Read my message to the churches: A Call to the Churches

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Our Guidelines [a work in progress]:

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If you find strong rebuke of a corrupt Church to be offensive and unchristian, this link will take you elsewhere. 

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