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The main page of Holiness of the Bride pretty much tells you the essentials of our group, I just thought I’d take the time here to introduce myself and say a little more about it. My name’s Tom Ackerman. I’m a Messianic Jew. I was inspired  in 2013 to begin this webpage, and this organization, because of the terrible state of the Body of Messiah, the defiled state of the holy Bride.

Not only that, but I felt that I must start this website because of the extraordinary difficulty of seeking change directly in ministry. As anyone mildly acquainted with ministry knows, it is heavily compromised, and not at all prepared to be the saints we need be to serve our Savior. Having worked in ministry myself, and having lost my job for openly teaching what the Bible does, and what Christians hate, I am consecrated to working for restoration in the Church, whether it be within a ministry or completely on my own. Let us reform our lives, our families and our congregations. If your pastor kicks you out then go and start at home. Let us change the world.

You might notice that there’s a decent amount of Hebrew lingo in this website, starting with its name. That might confuse a few people, but I’ll try and include a translation, the first time a term appears. I don’t include the Hebrew because I’m trying to create a Hebrew roots focus, but only because it is natural for me as a Messianic Jew to include it, and I think it enriches them meaning of our faith and our doctrines. Basically, I just like it and it’s a part of me. And you know, our Savior was a Jew.

You will find an invitation to join our Sacred Community here, which you can join as Member, Friend or Ally. I definitely encourage people to spend time learning about the subjects and meditating on them before making commitments. I also ask you to take them seriously. This isn’t for entertainment purposes. It is for sanctification purposes. Many believers are ignorant of their faith and not even deeply curious about theology or Church history. We must change that. We must be committed to living as we are called to live. I would be interested in hearing from people who are seeking holiness in their own lives, or who are seeking to bring holiness or reform to their congregation. I’m certainly willing to publish testimonies of that kind here, and I have sent a few of those messages out to our members.

I hope it will be a valuable experience for you here. At the minimum I want to inspire you in your faith so that you burn with the fire of God. At the most I want to see the brethren unite with us as members. This website is mostly constructed, but don’t be surprised if I add a few more sections to cover important aims in restoration. Feel free to write me at the E-mail provided on the main page and in the footer: kodeshkallah@yahoo.com.

May the Lord bless and keep you.

Bashem Yeshua (in the name of Jesus),



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