Get Married and Save the World

My Marriage Book

In 2018 I wrote Get Married and Save the World, a book purposed to provide a basic biblical guide to marriage, along with practical advice, personal experience, and a discussion of the theology that goes along with marriage. It was published in spring 2019, and I am putting the entire book, with some extra edits, online for free in spring 2020.

I want this message to reach my brothers in Christ, since marriage in the Church is greatly damaged, harming the witness to salvation that it is meant to be. I want the brethren to be able to hear the truth. I want them to hear the simple biblical teachings they will not be hearing from their pastors because pastors have long since stopped standing with the truth. Nothing in this book is new, but much is almost unheard of today. That’s why I wrote it.

READ THE WHOLE BOOK FREE: Get Married and Save the World

Buy the book at Xulon Press:

It is also available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, including on e-book:

Read excerpts from the book online:

Help fund the self-publishing costs:

Get Married and Save the World includes these main sections on Christian marriage:

  • Marriage Preparation
  • The headship of the man
  • The submission of his wife
  • The God-given role of the homemaker
  • The lifelong unbreakable nature of the marriage union
  • The necessity to bear children and educating them in the faith
  • The free sharing of marital intimacy

I also include:

  • A Gospel presentation
  • Scriptural outline of the biblical passages that instruct on marriage
  • Appendices with good marriage ministries, marriage books, and ministries I follow
  • A section about myself with a little of my history as a brother
  • Many pictures I’ve taken from around the world, and pictures of my family


I’ve done various interviews about Get Married and Save the World, both with Christian radio stations and Christian journalists and bloggers. Unfortunately the first I ever did, which I think was very strong, got lost when the station went under new management:

Interview with Jerry Newcombe:

Interview with Chuck Crismier at Save America Ministries:   [you have to Log In to listen to it]

WPGM Interview:

Scroll down to July 6 2019, Marriage Book Author

WIHS Interview on MP3: LISTEN

My Conference Call discussion of Chapter 4 on the Permanence of Marriage:

Christian Examiner article on marriage:

Marriage Course: Writing the book has also encouraged me to reach out to restore the Church in other ways. Since late Summer 2019 I’ve been giving Marriage Guidance and Mentorship classes for couples soon to be married, or newly married. So far one couple has joined, and I look forward to seeing their wedding in September 2020. The course, like the book, is centered on the main teaching passages on marriage, and studies the main elements of marriage from Holy Scripture. I also offer personal advice and share personal experiences to offer guidance and support.

While I am the one to teach the course, my wife helps out when she has time, and can offer personal care to the women, and answer any questions about her experience as a wife and mother. I believe the course will be a blessing to whomever joins, although I know there are many who already know these truths, or have good examples close to home. I develop the course for those who have not been fully trained, and for those who need positive Christian examples of the home life.

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